
Showing posts from December, 2021

Hail the Incarnate Deity? Celebrating Christmas Without the Trinity

H ow do you top God becoming a baby? Is there a narrative quite as compelling or wondrous as the Almighty laying aside His Privilege and Power to be born into poverty as a human? Since celebrating my first Christmas two years ago as an "arian" (I believe Almighty God is the Father alone and that Jesus is the first and greatest thing God brought into existence), I have twirled this question around and around in my mind. Christmas after Christmas, I had affirmed (at differing levels of comprehension and clarity) that at the virginal conception, the Second Person of the Triune Deity, God the Son, added to his divine person and divine nature a human nature, a hypostatic union, becoming the God-Man. Today, I read that sentence and shake my head, not in derision of my brothers and sisters for whom this is still a precious reality, or even of the description itself, but in disbelief at how something once so familiar feels now so foreign. It’s like walking past a former friend, silen